프로젝트 설명
HVAC 자동차 공조 써멀마네킨(써멀마네킹)
Automotive HVAC Thermal Manikin System
HVAC 써멀마네킨, 자동차 써멀마네킨, 자동차 공조 써멀마네킨
Automotive HVAC Manikin System, Thermal Manikin
HVAC 자동차 공조 써멀마네킨은 자동차용 인체 마네킨으로써 서양 또는 동양 남성의 평균 신체 형태로 제작 되었으며 자동차, 트럭, 버스, 비행기 등 각종 교통/운송수단의 난방, 에어컨 및 공기 조절 시스템을 평가하기 위한 높은 정확도의 고정밀 표면 센서가 장착되어 있습니다.
이 마네킨은 어깨, 엉덩이, 무릎, 팔꿈치, 발목, 손, 등으로 세분화된 관절이 형성되어 실제 운전자가 차량에 앉았을 때와 동일한 상태로 테스트를 진행할 수 있습니다.
센서 매트릭스는 공기 속도, 대기 온도, 복사 열 및 상대 습도를 측정하며 허리와 목 부분에 쉽게 삽입할 수 있는 무선통신 기능이 포함되어 있어 테스트를 진행함과 동시에 이 센서들이 마네킨이 손상되지 않도록 보호해 줍니다.
본 마네킨은 PC시스템, 센서, 무선통신 기능을 갖춘 전자제어, 데이터 로깅 소프트웨어를 포함하고 있습니다.

- Complete turn-key system for measuring the effect of car/truck heating and air conditioning designs on passenger comfort.
- Sensor matrix measures air velocity, temperature, radiant heat flux, and relative humidity.
- 50th percentile Western or Asian Male body form
- Manikin jointed at the shoulders, hips, elbows, knees, and ankles.
- Manikin separates at waist and neck for easy placement into driver or passenger seats.
- Mitten-shaped hands feature a curved, gripping shape for positioning onto the vehicle steering wheel.
- Flattened seat contact surfaces closely approximates human thigh compression when seated.
- High speed data transmission over Ethernet or wireless network.

System Includes
• Lightweight articulated carbon-fiber/epoxy manikin
• Preinstalled sensors measure boundary conditions
• Portable power supply enclosure and interconnect cables
• Laptop PC preinstalled with ThermDAC software
• Operators manual
• One year warranty
System Features
• Ball joints with integral friction at shoulders, hips, elbows, knees, ankles
• Toolless disassembly at waist and neck
• Mitten-shaped hands and flattened seat contact surfaces for realistic occupant packaging
• Data communication via ethernet and 802.11g wireless
• Operating Range -20°C to +50°C operating range, 0 to 95% R.H. non-condensing
• CAD manikin geometry is available for integration into vehicle CFD simulation
Sensor Specifications
• Air temperature (46 locations):
-20°C to +70°C measuring range
±1.0°C calibrated accuracy
±0.1°C resolution
• Air Velocity (46 locations): Omnidirectional
0.1–5.0 m/sec measuring range Temperature compensated from -20°C to +70°C
• Dual Spectrum Radiant Heat Flux (46 locations):
Up to 2,000 W/m2 measuring range, 1-20 μm Reports Mean Radiant Temp and Solar Heat Flux
• Relative Humidity (4 locations): 0 to 95% R.H., non-condensing
Other sensor combinations can be accommodated
“HVAC” Manikin Sizes
• 50th percentile Western or Asian Male body form
• Height: Western 178.5 cm (70.3”), Height: Asian 168.5 cm (66.3″)
• Surface area: 1.8 sq/m (19 sq/ft)
• Weight: 22 kg (55 lbs)
Call for a quote on custom sizes
ThermDAC (HVAC) Control Software
ThermDAC was developed by Thermetrics specifically for manikin data collection and analysis. It is a user-friendly, intuitive, Windows-based application providing full device control, fault detection, and data logging capabilities.
HVAC ThermDAC software can output data files 100% compatible with TAITherm analysis software (ThermoAnalytics). Using this method, manikin measurements can be directly applied as boundary conditions to the human model to predict comfort and sensation.