프로젝트 설명
건조 속도 시험기
Drying Rate Tester 201 DRT201
건조 속도 시험기, 핫 플레이트, Drying Rate Tester, Hotplate
AATCC Test Method 201 준수
건조 속도 시험기 (Drying Rate Tester 201)는 정해진 정량의 물이 사람의 피부 온도로 설정된 가열 플레이트 위에 위치되는 직물에 흡수 될 때 발생하는 증발 속도에 따라 직물의 건조 속도를 측정합니다.
핫 플레이트 표면 위에 배치된 샘플 소량의 물 전달을 통해 시작되며 ThermDAC소프트웨어는 시간이 지남에 따라 샘플의 건조 속도를 자동으로 측정, 산출하여 차트 및 실시간 그래프로 표시합니다.

Associated test methods
- AATCC 201
Features at a glance
- Precision built air flow plenum with air flow tuning gates.
- Windspeed can be measured at 3 different points to verify airflow uniformity.
- Actively controlled, high-performance fans for excellent airflow stability.
- Thermetrics designed control board for data logging and controlling systems features.
- USB interface to PC, cable included.
- ThermDAC Control Software automatically reports drying curve calculation and water delivery totals.
Optional features
- Computer Controlled Fluid Delivery is available.
- Metal hotplate 30.5 X 30.5 cm, controlled to 37ºC ±1.0ºC
- Controlled fans generate 1.5 ± 0.2 m/s of air flow across the width of the hotplate
- Infrared thermocouple probe capable of measuring 15.0-50.0 ± 0.1ºC
- Anemometer, hot-wire type, capable of measuring air flow from 0.5 to 2.5 ± 0.1 m/s
- Water system delivers a controlled volume of liquid between 0.1 – 1.0 ml ± 0.003 ml
Model Information
- Unit Dimensions: 53.5 x 48.5 x 41 cm, not including adjustable rubberized feet
- Space Requirements: Bench top location at standard laboratory temperature and conditions
- Power Requirements: 85-265 VAC, 50/60Hz, Single-phase. Maximum nominal current 5 Amps
ThermDAC Control Software
ThermDAC is a Windows-based application providing full device control, fault detection, data logging and analysis capabilities. Automatic data collection, drying curve calculation, and water delivery totals are also contained within ThermDAC.
- Define non-standard test conditions and custom tolerance criteria
- View multiple device and ambient variables on a single graph screen
- Apply real-time statistical functions to test data over any user-selected time range
All systems come with a one year warranty. Please ask about these service options:
- Startup installation and training
- Extended warranty
- Annual Service Care Package—a periodic maintenance and service contract designed to keep your Thermetrics equipment calibrated and in top operating condition